The EMSC Fee Assistance Policy is as follows:
1. Applicants should apply to outside Fee Assistance first. Canadian Tire Jumpstart and Kidsport are both great examples.
2. The Club Fee Assistance requests are to be submitted to the club General Manager who can be reached at
3. Applicants for Fee Assistance should provide the following:
A completed Registration Form for the program they are registering for;
Fee Assistance Program Form (which can be seen here);
Supporting documents such as, Income Tax return(s) and/or T1 notice of assessment(s) and;
Any other documents to support their request.
4. All requests and documents will be reviewed and assessed by the Fee Assistance Committee on individual needs and circumstances
5. Maximum assistance will be equivalent to the Recreational registration fee. Fee Assistance will not only be based on the need of the applicant, it will also be based on EMSC financial ability to support the Fee Assistance Program.
6. In addition to EMSC Fee Assistance, individual teams may also choose to support players with fundraising/sponsorship.
7. Applicant to be notified by email as to the status of the application within 10 business days of EMSC receiving
8. The Fee Assistance program is open to Mississauga residents only.
9. A Payment Plan option can be arranged for those who do not qualify for Fee Assistance of $500 or more, but there are special circumstances (example: suddenly lost employment).